Magnum Pro Tactical 3 Positional.

Long Magnum HD Tactical 3 pt8.jpg

This sling is 1/4" wider, 10" longer, and a little thicker than the Pro Tactical Ultraflex 3 Positional Sling.  It provides maximum strength and durability.  Accommodates persons with heavy gear or layers, and 1x shirt sizes or larger.  This is the recommendation for medium to large size tactical firearms.
This sling can be set up on the firearm as a 2 point sling, 3 point sling, or as a 1 point sling.  Essentially 1 sling does what you would normally need 3 slings to do.  As a 2 point it is designed to be ran tight the firearm, providing superior gripping power while shouldering.  The double strap system allows one to instantly backpack the gun with the sling.  As a 3 point , by increasing the length of the sling, the firearm can be carried in a front and ready position.  When shouldering the elasticity of the sling increases the control and accuracy of the firearm.  As a 1 point, by disconnecting the front quick release metal snap hook and attaching it to the rear snap hook you can instantly have a 1 point sling.  
There are 2 purchasing options for attachments. The quick detachable "Metal Trigger Swivels" and also the "Mash Hook Swivels (Military Spec)." The attachment systems come complete with "rubber skirt swivel silencers" over the swivels, to remove the metal on metal contact for a quite operation in the field. Both options are strongly recommended for all tactical systems.


    - This 1 sling does what you would normally need 3 slings to do: 2 PT buckle system, 3 PT profile (front and ready), & 1 PT capable
    - Multiple wearing positions and shooting positions
    - 2 options for attachment settings, (Metal Trigger Swivels & Military Spec Mash Hook Swivels)
    - Complete w/ "rubber skirt swivel silencers" to remove the metal on metal contact.   
    - Life Expectancy of 35+ years
    - The most secure holding and shooting sling
      you will find
    - One size fits all, fully adjustable